Raise in Rank! Allie Fowler

Congratulations to Allie Fowler on her successful Red Sash Test!! She raises our rank at the same time she raises hers! She performed the entire form with grace and solidity that makes us all proud. She has come a long way - from back pain that prevented her from moving to leading her classmates through 45 minutes of constant motion that was controlled and focused - such an impressive change!

Allie has worked hard, practicing consistently and with great focus. She hit each count of the postures like the pro she is!

Allie has the great support of her wife, Deborah. To hear it told, Deborah supports Allie’s understanding of the form with slow motion combat routines that are spontaneously coordinated with the postures while Allie practices- who could ask for more!

We are lucky to have Allie support classmates as they move forward in form.


When It Doesn't Work Anymore.... Stop