Attempting Translation

Taiji is a simple, yet so complicated art form. This blog gathers discussions and reflections on this rich art form. We also use it to spread news the may be of interest to our students and local taiji community.

When It Doesn't Work Anymore.... Stop
Black Bamboo Black Bamboo

When It Doesn't Work Anymore.... Stop

I never ceased to be amazed at the things that practicing Taiji teaches me - or reminds me - about everyday life. Most recently, the form reminded me that when you are doing something that USED to work... and that thing stops working, you should let it go. Stop doing the thing that did work just because it did in the past. When something is no longer effective - change. "You know Yìjīng易經?"

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Raise in Rank! Allie Fowler
Black Bamboo Black Bamboo

Raise in Rank! Allie Fowler

Congratulations to Allie Fowler on her successful Red Sash Test!! She raises our rank at the same time she raises hers! She performed the entire form with grace and solidity that makes us all proud. She has come a long way - from back pain that prevented her from moving to leading her classmates through 45 minutes of constant motion that was controlled and focused - such an impressive change!

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